Sunday, March 23, 2014

Flappy Birds

In 2014, Zedge, Zeriah, Aleape were three little birds sitting in a tree.  They were three brothers very united and who always helped each other. They all lived in the same tree with their mother. One day the mother bird said to the three to go out and build lives for themselves and to do good things for others. They we all confused and were questioning each other what does she meant by that. And none understood. Each bird had special gifts. Zedge which was the oldest bird had the strength of a lion but was always too scared to use it. He didn't know want to hurt anyone but he did on accident. One day he saw a turtle and it was on it's back and it could not turn over. Zedge had a big problem how he was going to turn him . He is over 30 lbs. He knew he was strong and he knew he could do it. So he tried with all his might and he flipped that fat turtle. He became very happy with himself and he rejoiced. He than went on his way. Than here comes  Zeriah the middle brother. He was an interesting bird very special and crazy. He fell out of the nest as a baby bird. Than he decided to leave one day and he began to fly off till he saw a squirrel crazier than a monkey in the circus. The squirrel was trapped in a cage and the crazy bird Zeriah  said, "I will get you out." He was crazy but smart . The bird began to think. Than he realized that the cage had a lock. He thought to himself. With his tiny little head , he use the beak to peak the lock. He was also proud of himself too. Than comes Aleape the youngest bird was the sneakiest bird of the three than he said to him self "I'm not leaving home." He tried everything to avoid leaving however one day momma bird got tired so she flew away for awhile and he got lonely so he left too. Than he ran into a sneaky raccoon who had tried to steal food. The bird thought he was sneaker than the fox but he was wrong. Than saw the raccoon was about to get shot because he was stealing meat. The bird noticed the man and he quickly distracted him and the raccoon ran away. The bird flew off  happier than a fat kid with chocolate cake. The tree birds returned home and saw their mother and the began to tell her their adventures. She began to be happy and watched them grow into big responsible birds . 

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