Monday, March 24, 2014

My Lord, My hero

Hero. "A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."- Christopher Reeve. In other words, someone who is capable to obstain life struggles, and to be inspired. Someone you would look up to. I believe everyone has a hero in their life, even if they don't know it. Maybe that's a reason why we live or continued to battle throughout life. It could be person next to them. A family member. Someone you might not know, can be your hero. I have a hero. The one who gave me life to live. The one who loved for all the sinners on earth. The one who shed its blood and died for me on the cross. I believe my hero is my Savior. Jesus Christ. He is the reason why I'm here. However, not everyone believes the same in religion, but I believe in him.  I remember a time when my mother and I didn't get along.  We gone through so much problems with each other. As of one day, my mother became sickly ill. She was dying. Doctors say she may not be able to live.  Even my cousin agreed. I never thought I was close to losing my mom. Walking toward her room, She didn't move nor spoke. I fell down crying on my knees while my aunt hugged me. That night as I got home, I kneel down to my knees and pray to the Lord. I poured my heart to him. I let everything out , everything I kept inside to me. The next following days, I saw my mom getting better; capable of doing things as a human being. I thought to myslef. That he heard my prayers. I thanked him so much till today. That was just one miracle he has shown me; he has done so much to put my family together and peacful. My life has changed completely cause of him. He has been my inpiration to be motivated in this world; he is my ONLY hero.  Even though I do face everyday obtacles, I have the Lord to trust.

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